Sorry we couldn't find a location for the supplied postcode
Please check that you have entered the details of your search correctly.
If you are still unable to find a registrant or business, or have a query about a registration status, please contact
If a registrant has not provided a practice address, they will not appear on a proximity register search when locating a practice within an area.
Sorry no results match your search
Please check that you have entered the details of your search correctly.
If you are still unable to find a registrant or business, or have a query about a registration status, please contact
To search for an optometrist, dispensing optician, students, or a registered body corporate, enter details of the person or business you are looking for. New or restored entrants to the register will display within one working day following the application being processed.
If a registrant has not provided a practice address, they will not appear on a proximity register search when locating a practice within an area.
Every year we update our registers following the end of the yearly renewal period for students, fully qualified and business .registrants
Registrants who have failed to renew their registration will be removed from the register after 1 April (fully qualified and business registrants) or 1 September (student registrants).
If you are unable to find a business or registrant, or have a query about a registration status, please contact our Registration team at